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India has curbed hotel-restaurant service charges

Hotels and restaurants in India have been instructed to refrain from forcing customers to pay service charges on food bills.

The Government of India has curbed the service charge of hotel restaurants

Photo: Collected

International Desk

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An order issued by the Central Consumer Protection Authority of India (CCPA) on Monday (July 4th) said that from now on, hotels and restaurants will not be able to add service charges to the bill. News from NDTV.

The restaurants are forcibly charging extra for service charges, the directive was issued after complaints from fans at India's National Consumer Protection Helpline.

The CCPA guidelines state, "No hotel or restaurant may automatically or separately add a service charge to the bill." Service charges should not be collected under any other name. '

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However, if any customer wants, he can give bounties to the employees of the hotel or restaurant, it has been mentioned in the instructions. Although the customer cannot be pressured or coerced in any way for the bounty.

If a hotel or restaurant authority disobeys the government's directive and adds a service charge or other such charge to the original bill, consumers will be able to sue them.

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