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The features of Facebook that are being Shut down

The features of Facebook that are being Shut down

Photo: Collected

Facebook will soon turn off some features. One of these is the Facebook podcast. According to Facebook, if all goes well, the podcast feature will be discontinued next month.

Meanwhile, the feature was launched less than a year ago. According to the company, some changes are being made in audio technology. That is why the podcast feature is being turned off. SoundBits and Audio Hubs are also being shut down.

In this regard, a spokesman for Facebook said, "We have been conducting various experiments for almost a year. We felt that some more changes were needed in the audio tools for the convenience of the users.

In this context, he further said, - We are trying to bring regular updates in each feature. The purpose is the same. So that users can use all the features better.

Meta, on the other hand, said they are currently more interested in short video platforms. Basically, this plan is to compete with Tiktok.

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