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Precautions required in electrical appliances during lightning strikes

Precautions required in electrical appliances during lightning strikes

Photo: Collected

Rainfall with thunderstorms is more during this time of summer. The number of thunderstorms increases a lot during the Kalbaishakhi storm. If you want to avoid any unforeseen accident or fire these days, then you must take some precautions.

At this time, it started raining in a hurry. Quickly disconnect TVs, refrigerators, mobile phones, laptops and other electrical appliances during heavy rains.

This is because these electrical appliances can be damaged during heavy rains and thunderstorms. Otherwise a terrible fire could happen.

If you have AC, computer or laptop at home, disconnect them too. Turn off the house fans if you don't need too much.

As an extra precaution, you can keep the lights on in one room and turn off the lights in each room. If you have a WiFi or dish line at home, disconnect that connection as well. Also turn off the router switch.

Do not charge the electrical device under any circumstances at this time. Experts say talking on the phone can be dangerous when there is a thunderstorm or lightning or heavy rain.

Do not stand in front of electrical objects during heavy rains. When the environment returns to normal after at least 1 hour of rain, you can turn on the electrical connection of these electrical devices.

Source: News18 Bangla

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