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The way people will become robots!

Robots are about to evolve in a special way called bio-hybrids. Through this method, the skin of the robots will be exactly like the living tissue of the skin of the human body. That's what researchers at the Institute of Industrial Sciences at the University of Tokyo have recently claimed. News from CNN.

This is how robots will become human

Photo: Bio-hybrid robot

Science and Technology Desk

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Japanese scientists have always been quite advanced in terms of technology. In continuation of this, this time they have discovered a technology through which living tissue like human will grow in the body of the robot.

To make the study smaller, the team first chose a robotic finger, led by Professor Shoji Takuchi of the Department of Mechanical and Biofunctional Systems at the University of Tokyo. Which will be compatible with human organs. So the structure of human skin has been imitated in creating skin for robots. Where human living tissue predominates.

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A type of light collagen matrix called hydrogel has been used to make this tissue. Inside this material, two cells called fibroblasts and keratinocytes proliferate. Note that both of these elements make up human skin.

Takuchi and his team applied human epidermal keratinocytes to create the outer covering of robotic skin. Keratinocytes are a type of cell that plays a major role in the formation of the outer surface layer of the skin.

The robotic finger made in the trial is able to rotate in different ways like the human finger. The application of collagen bandages to heal finger wounds has been shown to allow the robotic finger to move freely after the protein naturally repairs the skin. In this experiment, the scientists also saw the face of success in creating water-resistant human-like skin.

Shoji Takuchi, a professor in the Department of Mechanical and Biofunctional Systems at the University of Tokyo, who led the research team, claims that since such tissues are exactly like humans, such robots could become groundbreaking in medicine. In the future, they also have plans to make different types of artificial limbs and skin using such tissues.

Regarding these humanoid robots, Pulkit Agarwal, an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said that if a robot were made of metal, it would not be appropriate to lift a mug or similar solid object. In this case, the robot needs human-like skin. So the discovery is quite important.

The human body is a living process that needs to be sustained through constant care. But with this technology, robotic skin does not have the ability to work on its own. As a result, there is a possibility of tissue damage.

But Takuchi, the study's lead author, doesn't see this as a problem. Because to solve this problem he is going to apply the vascular system to the robot skin.

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Blood circulates in human cells and supplies nutrients. Through this the skin stays alive. There are also pores, nails and sweat glands. Attempts are being made to improve the cells by applying these features to the vascular system.

Experts believe that if the study is 100% successful, it will be very difficult to differentiate between humans and robots in the future. The concerned authorities including scientists are eagerly waiting to see such development of technology.

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