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Google will not be able to record your calls in that way

Unite stand tech giant Google is secretly recording all your conversations on your phone all the time. What are you talking about, who are you talking to, what are you talking about - all the information is reaching this Google server.

Google will not be able to record your calls in that way

Science and Technology Desk

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In this period of information following, numerous gadgets utilize the amplifier to record sound to grasp the temperament of the client. Furthermore, from that point Google typically tracks generally your sound. This is the way to keep Google from following your audio:

The first thing you need to understand is exactly what Google records on your phone. Google listens to everything you say but does not record it. The word 'Ok Google' is used for the voice assistant. Google Assistant is activated at any time by saying these two words. And this is why Google always listens to you. Although it is not saved on the server.

However, if the 'Ok Google' command is off, you can use voice commands on Android phones by tapping the microphone button in the search bar. You can also use Google Assistant by pressing and holding the Home button. Google will only record the commands you give after saying 'Ok Google'.

How to listen to your own recording?

There is a separate portal for listening to all conversations with Google services. Here you will find all the voice commands given to Google Assistant.

  • First, open the 'Google My Activity' page. Here you will see all the apps opened on the phone from all the YouTube videos you have seen.
  • Select 'Filter by date & product' filter in the search bar here.
  • Now first select 'Deselect All' and select 'Voice and Audio'.
  • Now select 'Apply'.

How to stop listening to Google on Android phone?

Google can be stopped from listening by changing some settings on the Android phone. E.g.-

  • Turn off the 'Ok Google' feature first
  • Open 'Settings' of the phone and select 'Google'.
  • Select 'Account services' in 'Services'.
  • Select ‘Search’, ‘Assistant’ & ‘Voice’.
  • Now select ‘Voice’.
  • Tap on ‘Voice Match’ option.
  • Disable the ‘Access with Voice Match’ option here.
  • Select ‘Delete voice model’ to delete your voice sample from Google server.

Disable microphone access in Google App by following these steps: -

  • Open the settings on the phone and select the app and notifications.
  • Here you will see a list of all the apps on the phone.
  • Select Google here.
  • Select the permission and set the microphone option to 'Deny'.
  • In the same way, select 'Google Assistant' app and turn off microphone permission.

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