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1 umbrella costs one and a half lakh money, but it still rain

Umbrellas have created quite a stir in the Chinese market in the fashion world. Because this special expensive umbrella is only for sun use.

2 lakh taka umbrella Failed to stop rain water

Photo: China's expensive umbrella

Fashion & Style

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Many people are angry over this expensive umbrella as there is no benefit in using this umbrella on rainy days. Despite spending more money, the fashion company has come under fire as it does not have the facility to use umbrellas during both sun and rain.

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The sky-high price of this umbrella is brought by the famous fashion company Gucci and the sportswear manufacturer Adidas. When this expensive umbrella was jointly manufactured and released in the Chinese market, dissatisfaction spread among the fashion-loving people as well as the common people.

It will cost around one and a half lakh rupees in Bangladeshi currency. But this expensive umbrella will not be of any use. If the picture of this umbrella goes viral on China's own net media Weibo, the view of the umbrella is around 14 crore. 

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Many people have made negative comments after seeing the umbrella. Someone said it was a cheap gain strategy. Again, some say, the naked display of capitalism. Due to all these negative comments, the concerned authorities finally removed the word umbrella from the product.

Source: Anandabazar

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