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Unemployment is the new poison in Afghanistan

Unemployment has been rising in Afghanistan since the Taliban government came to power

Unemployment is the new poison in Afghanistan

Picture: Collected

Meanwhile, surveys by various US agencies show that more than a million people have become unemployed so far. However, the Taliban government has not taken any significant steps in this regard. News from NDTV.

The country has been in a state of crisis since the Taliban took power. There are restrictions on women in the country.

In the meantime, various US agencies have released new information. At least one million people have been unemployed in Afghanistan since the Taliban government came to power, according to the agency. The women of the country have suffered the most. They are not able to work due to various restrictions. In the current situation, experts fear that the rate of job loss for women in the country will increase by 21 percent this year.

In addition, poverty rates have risen sharply in various parts of the country since Afghanistan came to power. If this situation continues, the situation will get worse.

Experts say a series of restrictions on women is largely responsible for the country's situation. Besides, the Taliban government is not taking any significant steps to reduce the unemployment rate.

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