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Monkeypox spread in two more countries

Monkeypox has spread to two more countries. The latest outbreaks have been reported in Slovenia and the Czech Republic. As a result, the disease has so far spread in 17 countries.

Monkeypox spread in two more countries

International Desk

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Slovenian health officials said on Tuesday (May 24th) that a man who had recently returned from the Spanish island of Canary had been found with monkeypox. Mario Fangle, head of the Centers for Infectious Diseases, the country's national diagnostic agency, said the man had contracted a weakened form of monkeypox. He was not confessed to the emergency clinic.

Fangle added that he believed the disease could be stopped in Slovenia soon. Those who have already come in contact with the infected person have been kept on alert for 21 days. For this, the people do not need to be vaccinated extensively, the official said.

On the same day, the Czech Republic also recorded the first cases of monkeypox infection. Pavel Delohi, head of the Czech Society for Infectious Diseases, the country's diagnostic agency, told AFP in an interview that the virus had been identified in a person's body at Prague Military University Hospital. Be that as it may, he gave no subtleties in such manner.

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The monkeypox has come to the fore this time with a new panic in the epidemic corona. This rare disease is spreading rapidly in different countries. The first monkeypox patients were found in the United Kingdom. The disease was later identified in Spain, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Italy and Sweden. More than 60 people were infected with the monkeypox in Canada and Australia, as well as in Europe.

Although thousands of monkeypox cases have been reported in West and Central Africa in recent years, the disease has not been reported in Europe and North America for so long. The World Health Organization (WHO) warned last Saturday that monkeypox could spread further.

The flare-up of monkeypox has come as a major shock to researchers. However, they say, the risk of it spreading from person to person and spreading widely among the people is low. The Unite Kingdom National Health Service says the disease caused by monkeypox is mild. The patient recuperates inside half a month.

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Specialists have not yet referenced a particular immunization for monkeypox. However, the BBC says some countries have already begun vaccinating against smallpox. Researchers believe that the vaccine may be 85 percent effective because of the similarity of monkeypox to smallpox.

According to experts, monkeypox is not a very serious. The transmission capacity is also relatively low. Early symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches and fatigue. Later, rashes or rashes like chickenpox appear on the face and body. However, the disease goes away on its own. Patients recover within 14-21 days.

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