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Putin will live only 3 more years, intelligence officials claim

A Russian intelligence official has claimed that President Vladimir Putin's body is "rapidly spreading cancer" and that doctors have given him three years. In other words, the Russian president will live only three more years.

Putin will live only 3 years

Photo: Time

International Desk

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The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) claimed that Putin, 69, had lost his sight. However, the name of the Russian official was not disclosed. According to a report in the British media Independent.

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The news came amid growing speculation that Vladimir Putin's health was rapidly deteriorating. However, on Sunday (May 29), Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov denied reports that the Russian president had fallen ill. He claims that Putin is in good health.

However, the Independent reports that the FSB official provided the latest information on Putin's health in a message sent to Boris Karpichkov, a former Russian spy currently living in the UK.

The Australian-based news outlet News.com.au has published part of the message sent by the FSB official. "We are told that he (Putin) is suffering from a severe headache," he said. He even needs to write everything down on a large piece of paper to read what he has to say on TV. His eyesight is getting worse by the day. '

"Putin's hands are shaking uncontrollably all the time," Metro and Express were quoted as saying.

Earlier this month, various international media outlets reported that Putin had undergone surgery to remove fluid from his abdomen. The operation ended well and without any complications. '

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However, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has denied the allegations in a statement issued Friday stating "Similar, baseless allegations concerning Russia's intelligence have been made more than once. Putin, who turns 60 next October, will appear in public every day, with a serious illness that is by no means possible.


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